In accordance with applicable federal and state laws, such as Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act and ADA Amendments, the University does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, race, color, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, religion, or any other protected status under federal, state or local law applicable to the University, in its education policies, programs, and activities, in its admissions policies, in employment policies and practices, and all other areas of the University. As a faith-based institution, the University is exempted from certain laws and regulations concerning discrimination.
Licensure and Certification Disclosure
Each state may have different professional licensure and certification requirements related to a specific occupation or profession. While the state-specific disclosures below do not provide any guarantee that any particular state licensure or certification entity will approve or deny an application, Samford University provides the following information to indicate if its academic programs meet the educational prerequisites for professional licensure or certification outside the state of Alabama. Samford cannot provide verification of an individual’s ability to meet licensure or certification requirements unrelated to its educational programming.
It is also important to note that in addition to the educational prerequisites, other licensure requirements may include professional examinations, background checks, years of work experience, fingerprinting requirements, etc. Students who are considering an academic program that may allow them to pursue professional licensure or certification in a state outside of Alabama are strongly encouraged to contact the appropriate licensing agency to seek information and additional guidance before beginning a program. Licensing board and contact information is provided for each state and program.
Potential Changes in Requirements
Licensure and certification information is reviewed and updated on this site in May of each year. Students who plan to pursue licensure outside of Alabama should be aware that state licensure requirements are subject to change at any time. While a program may originally meet the educational requirements for licensure, changes in state requirements could impact the program's ability to meet any new educational requirements. Students should always check with their state licensure board to confirm licensure requirements.
Relocation During the Course of an Academic Program
It is important to understand that licensing and certification requirements vary by state. If students are considering relocating or working in a different state, it is imperative to reference the disclosure information for the new state to check for licensure and certification eligibility requirements. Additionally, students who have relocated to a new state should complete the following form to update important University records.
In compliance with federal regulations, the university will send an email disclosure in a timely manner to each enrolled student if the status of the applicable educational program in which the student has declared, changes such that it does not meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification for that profession in the student’s state location. In this instance, disclosure will occur within 14 days of the university becoming aware of the change in the program status as required by the federal regulations.
State Specific License and Certification Disclosures
College of Health Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Bachelor of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics
- Dietetic Internship Certificate Program
- Doctor of Nursing Practice
- Doctor of Pharmacy
- Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Master of Science in Nutrition, Dietetics Concentration
- Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies
- Master of Science in Speech Language Pathology
- Master of Social Work
- Master of Science in Nursing
Student Location Policy
Student Processes & Programs
Admissions and Transfers
Admission and transfer procedures and processes are respectively displayed on the admission and student records websites. For more information on undergraduate admission, please contact Brian Kennedy , dean of admissions, at Information on admission to the various graduate programs is noted on the graduate admission webpage. Please contact, for transfer guidelines and policies.
Athletic Programs
Completion or graduation rates for students who receive athletically related student aid and the annual Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) report that contains participation rates, financial support and other information on men’s and women’s intercollegiate athletic programs. Information regarding graduation rates is available through the NCAA. Information regarding the annual EADA report is available through the Office of Legal Counsel. For more information, please contact Michelle Durban, Deputy Director of Athletics for Student-Athlete Well-Being/SWA at
Information on university policies, procedures and regulations on copyright are shown on the Samford University Library Copyright webpage and within the Student Handbook. For more information, please contact Kim Herndon, dean of University Library at or Joseph McCormick, chief information officer, at
Accessibility and Accommodations
Accessibility and Accommodations coordinates academic adjustments, auxiliary aids and services for students with permanent and/or temporary disabilities. An accommodation specialist works individually with each student to determine the most appropriate accommodations based on the student’s relevant documentation and specific needs.
Academic accommodations, auxiliary aids and services are designed to allow students to fully participate in programs, services and activities offered by the University. For more information, please refer to the Accessibility and Accommodations website.
International Students and Study Abroad
Regularly enrolled Samford students participating in university-sanctioned programs abroad are eligible for federal financial aid, national scholarships and Samford grants. The Global Engagement and Financial Aid Offices can provide information for students seeking learning opportunities and aid for study abroad.For more information, contact Lauren Doss, Director of Global Engagement Office, at, Mackenzie Allen, International Admissions Counselor, at and/or Jennifer Philen, Director of Financial Aid, at
Voter Registration
Samford University students who are not registered to vote, and want to be registered, can obtain an Alabama Mail-In Voter Registration Application from the Alabama Secretary of State.
Information on Samford University’s regional and professional accreditations is located on the Institutional Effectiveness website.
Student Financial Services
The Office of Student Financial Services is the primary source for information about institutional financial assistance at Samford University. Descriptions of available federal, state, institutional and outside sources of assistance, eligibility criteria and methods of disbursement and the terms and conditions of loans including information on entrance counseling, exit counseling and information on student employment opportunities are available on the department’s website and in various office publications, including this consumer information disclosure. For more information, please contact Jennifer Philen, director of student financial services, at
Net Price Calculator
Samford provides a net price calculator for undergraduate, prospective students.
Student Refund & Withdrawal Policy
Samford University’s refund policy and a summary of the requirements for the return of Title IV grant or loan assistance by students who withdraw from the institution are stated in the university catalog. The payment and refund schedule are displayed on the relevant Student Affairs and Enrollment Management website. For more information, please contact Lane Smith, director of student financial services, at
Textbook Costs
The Samford University Bookstore has an online process that provides textbook information for each course in the upcoming term, as well as the textbook return policy. For more information, please visit the University Bookstore Textbook website.
Tuition & Fees
Tuition and fees for each of the undergraduate, graduate and non-academic programs are displayed on the bursar's webpage. For more information, please contact Lane Smith, director of student financial services, at
Distance Learning Authorization
Information on Samford’s approvals and exemptions to deliver online courses and programs, as well as contact information for students to register complaints are displayed below.
State Authorization

The US Department of Education requires that any institution offering distance education programs to students outside of its home state must acquire authorization from the states in which students reside. Regulations vary from state to state.
Samford University is a participating member in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA). SARA is an agreement among member states, districts and territories that establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs. SARA is overseen by the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) and administered by four regional education compacts. For the State of Alabama, this is the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). Once a state has joined SARA, and then subsequently approves a school or college as a participating institution, a university may offer distance education to students residing in SARA participating states with some restrictions related to clinicals and internships. See “State Authorization List” below for details related to specific states / programs. Additionally, students should review Samford’s Licensure and Certification Disclosures related to certain academic programs.
Student Complaint Process for Online Students
Samford University is “a community that respects individuals and their rights” (Samford University Student Handbook). Samford University’s judiciary process provides an equitable and fair method for evaluating student complaints, academic and values violations. Students enrolled in online programs follow the same process for student complaints as described in detail. Additionally, if an online student’s complaint related to SARA consumer protection provisions cannot be resolved internally though Samford’s student complaint process, students may file a complaint through the Home State SARA Portal Entity. It is important that students begin the complaint process with Samford University and if resolution is not found, the student may contact the Home State SARA Portal Entity. For Alabama, the SARA State Portal Entity is listed below. Student complaints about grades or student conduct may not be appealed to the SARA State Portal Entity. View the SARA student complaint process.
State of Alabama SARA WebsiteAlabama Commission on Higher Education
100 North Union Street
Montgomery, AL 36104
Campus Safety and Emergency Management
The Public Safety and Emergency Management department aims to enhance the quality of university life by providing a safe and secure campus through professional service and proactive crime prevention. Safety tips, emergency notification processes, emergency plans, crime reporting and statistics are available on the Public Safety and Emergency Management website. For more information, please contact Tommy Taylor, director of Public Safety and Emergency Management at or 205-726-2020.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. They include the right to: (1) inspect and review educational records; (2) request an amendment to these records; (3) consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information in these records; (4) restrict disclosure of information designated as directory information that may be released without consent of the student; and (5) file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education for alleged failure by Samford University to comply with FERPA requirements. For more information, please contact Jeremy Dixon for Academic Services and Student Records, at
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) creates a framework to protect the privacy and security of individuals’ health information as it is used and disclosed by covered health care providers, covered health plans and their business associates and subcontractors. Samford supports the goals of HIPAA and documents its commitment to comply in its “Compliance with HIPAA Privacy and Security Regulations” policy. St. Vincent’s Hospital employees staff and manage Samford University's Health Services, and it is their institution’s HIPAA form that is used.
Student Drug and Alcohol Policy
Samford University’s policy on drug and alcohol use by students is stated within the Student Handbook. Samford complies with the requirements of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, 20 U.S.C., Section 1145q, and the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, 41 U.S.C., Section 701, et. seq, Samford University hereby adopts the following Drug and Alcohol Policy. Specifically, the policy states that:
Samford University seeks to foster the development of Christian character, scholastic attainment and a sense of personal responsibility. To fulfill this purpose and to protect and promote the health and welfare of its faculty, staff and students, Samford University is committed to maintaining a drug- and alcohol-free campus. To this end, Samford University is committed to providing drug and alcohol education, information and assistance to its faculty, staff and students. It is the policy of Samford University that the use of illicit drugs or alcohol by faculty, staff or students on campus, or in connection with or affecting any school-related activity, is strictly prohibited. Violations of this policy will result in the imposition of disciplinary sanctions up to and including termination of faculty and staff, and expulsion of students.
Additional information can be found on the Public Safety and Emergency Management "Alcoholic Beverages, Drugs and Weapons" policy.
Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy
In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, Samford University prohibits discrimination based on sex in its educational and athletic programs, as well as in extracurricular activities sponsored by the University. To ensure compliance with Title IX and other federal and state civil rights laws, the university has developed policies and procedures that prohibit sex discrimination in all forms. This information is shown in the Samford University Student Handbook.