Courtney Haun, an assistant professor in Samford University’s School of Public Health and director of the health care administration undergraduate program, has been working to move the needle forward as a leader in diversity. She shows her commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in a variety of ways.
One way is by promoting diversity and equity to both her colleagues and her students. This support and promotion are demonstrated in her collaborative leadership style, research endeavors and teaching initiatives. At the broader level, Haun takes part in disseminating her research on diversity and cultural competency at national conferences and invited talks.
In the classroom, Haun has built-in cultural competency and diversity modules in order for students to understand the importance of how inclusion/equity (or lack thereof) can affect health care outcomes. Prior to coming to Birmingham, she co-taught a course at Auburn University titled, “Cultural Competency and Diversity.” She has brought her scholarly work into the classroom to further bolster students' understanding of diversity and inclusion.
Her most recent scholarly work has been supported by the Office of Diversity and Intercultural Initiatives. The office provided a diversity development grant for her latest research project, which she presented at a regional conference and plans to present at a national conference in March of 2022. Haun wishes to disseminate information to both organizations and individuals regarding the importance of efforts aimed at diversity and inclusion. From diversity value signaling in a job advertisement to how one treats his or her co-workers, patients, clients, and/or constituents—diversity, equity and inclusion should be promoted.
She hopes that through her leadership, teaching and research she can not only transform the current workplace but also have a greater, positive impact on others in the broader community. Haun is a proven champion of diversity and inclusion efforts. Her scholarly work and presentations are highlighted below:
Peer-reviewed Publications
- Fisk, J.M., Silvera, G.A., & Haun, C.N. (2018). Developing and Assessing Diversity. Public Integrity.1-14.
- Haun, C.N. (2018). Diversity Management and Cultural Competence in the Healthcare Field. In: Farazmand A. (eds). Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham.
- Fisk, J.M., Silvera, G.A., Haun, C.N., Downes, J., Eberline, N., & Smith-Hanes, P. (2019). Managing Diversity and Inclusion. PM Magazine.
Conference Presentations
- Chen, X., Silvera, G.A., Haun, C.N., & Fisk, J.M. Signal Fires: The Influence of Local Government Context on Diversity Value Signaling in Job Advertisements Following The Black Summer of 2020. Southeastern Conference of Public Administration (SECoPA) | 2021
- Haun, C.N. Inclusion in a Whole New World: A Story About a Magic Carpet, Genie, & the King of Thieves. Second Annual College Women Empowerment Conference | 2021
- Fisk, J.M., Silvera, G.A., Morris, J.C., Chen, X., Chen, X., Crayton, M., Haun, C.N. Cultural Competency Training and Local Governments. American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). Online Format | 2020
- Fisk, J.M., Silvera, G.A., Morris, J.C., Chen, X., Chen, X., Crayton, M., Haun, C.N. Diversity and City Hall. Auburn University - College of Liberal Arts - Diversity Research Symposium. Auburn, AL | 2019
- Haun, C.N. Fisk, J.M., Silvera, G.A. Developing and Assessing Diversity: The Essential Characteristics of Cultural Competency. College of Liberal Arts Diversity Research Symposium. Auburn, AL | 2018
Invited Talks/Lectures
- Inaugural Troy University Student Empowerment Series. Inclusion in a Whole New World | 2021
- Healthcare, Gender, and Media, Wofford College - Humanities 101 Course Titled “Gender and Media” | 2020