A busy, consumer-oriented and often cynical world can make ministry hazardous. The challenges and demands of pastoral work are constant and constantly changing. Even good ministers are stretched and stressed in this context. Focus becomes blurred. Energy wanes. Creativity ceases. Rather than ministry from an overflow, a deep longing for renewal is realized—a longing for the Source that gives meaning, hope, and purpose to life and ministry.
Effective pastoral ministry draws from the deepest wellspring of life and good ministers draw on that Source regularly through prayer, reflection, and study. From the overflow of this wellspring, clergy engage in the rich vocation of ministry: leading worship, preaching, counseling, teaching and guiding the work of their congregations.
The Center for Congregational Resources specifically provides for the renewal of clergy, both full-time, and bi-vocational, through a variety of educational, networking, consultations and grant offerings described in detail below.
Pastoral Partnerships for Excellence
Through a Glass Darkly: Pastoral Leadership in Black and White
Overlooking the city of Birmingham from the crest of a nearby mountain ridge, Vestavia Hills Baptist Church is a world apart from its sister congregation, Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, located in the heart of the central city. At least, that's what most people think. Eliminate the blurring effects of historic time and socio-demographic space, however, and surprising similarities and helpful differences come to light. That has been the experience of Arthur Price of Sixteenth Street Baptist Church and Gary Furr of Vestavia Hills Baptist. As participants in Pastoral Partnership for Excellence, a project of the Center for Congregational Resources, these pastors joined with two other partner teams to conduct three-year case studies of each other's ministry and context. Important lessons about pastoral and congregational leadership have been learned by the partners. They have also developed relationships that continue to grow as they discover how their stories of life and ministry intersect at common points of challenge and fulfillment.
The work of the partnerships is presented in several useful formats. Brief video segments are included so you may see and hear the partners introduce themselves and describe what they have learned. Full text of their case studies can be viewed and downloaded. In addition to the video segments, brief audio segments are featured that include writers’ comments and photos of the communities in which each lives. Select a team below to learn more.
The Pastoral Partnerships
Greensboro and Mission Birmingham
J. Fletcher Comer, pastor and worker with Episcopal Black Belt Ministries; Kervin Jones, pastor of 3rd Street Church of God in Greensboro, Alabama; and Frank Stone, Jr., Mission Birmingham
- Rev. Fletcher Comer audio
- Rev. Kervin Jones audio
- Rev. Frank Stone audio
- Rev. Fletcher Comer, Rev. Kervin Jones and Rev. Frank Stone video
- Rev. Jones and Rev. Comer Case Study
- Rev. Stone Case Study
Sacred Heart of Jesus/Our Lady Queen of the Universe and Baptist Church of the Covenant
Vernon Huguley, pastor of Our Lady Queen of the Universe Catholic Church and Sarah Shelton, pastor of Baptist Church of the Covenant
- Fr. Vernon Huguley audio
- Rev. Sarah Shelton audio
- Fr. Vernon Huguley and Rev. Sarah Shelton video
- Rev. Shelton on Fr. Huguley case study
- Fr. Huguley on Rev. Shelton case study
Sixteenth Street Baptist Church and Vestavia Hills Baptist Church
Gary Furr, pastor of Vestavia Hills Baptist Church and Arthur Price, pastor of 16th Street Baptist Church
James Davidson Endowed Fund for Rural Ministries
The James E. Davidson Fund for Rural Ministries honors Dr. James Davidson for over 60 years of service as a pastor, educator, and Baptist denominational leader. Dr. Davidson, a graduate of Howard College and a fourth-generation pastor, served numerous churches in Alabama, most of which were located in rural communities. Dr. Davidson’s motto was “If God calls, prepare... then preach.” Indeed, he lived his words by obtaining both the Th.M. and Ph.D. degrees from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and through 40 continuous years as an instructor in the Samford University Extension program, contributing to the continuing education of hundreds of ministers, many of whom were from rural settings.
The Fund's purpose is to provide resources to both individuals and groups of pastors serving in rural settings. The resources will target the unique needs of rural pastors and will be offered through the programs of the Center for Congregational Resources at Samford University. Such resources could support continuing Sabbath or Study Leaves, education workshops, peer learning groups, conferences, purchase of educational materials and supplies, or the needs of rural ministers.
Interested congregations and/or ministers should contact the CCR Director, resource@samford.edu for more information on mini-grants for congregations or Sabbath Leaves for clergy.
Are you interested in investing in the ministry of Alabama rural and bivocational clergy? Your gift to the James Davidson Endowed Fund can make this possible. If you would like to make a gift in honor of Dr. Davidson it is easy to do through Samford’s online donation by selecting the option for James Davidson Fund for Rural Ministries.
James A. Auchmuty Endowed Fund

As a part of its 50th anniversary celebration in May 2004, Shades Crest Baptist Church named James A. Auchmuty, Jr. as pastor emeritus and established the Auchmuty Congregational Leadership Fund. Developed in partnership with the Center for Congregational Resources at Samford University, this fund sponsors congregational leaders as they pursue spiritual health and effective leadership skills. Its program supports inspiring lectures, informative seminars, practical workshops, and renewing sabbatical and study leaves for pastors and congregational leaders. Because “Dr. Jim’s” vision is for all God's people, the fund provides programs that are ecumenical.
James A. Auchmuty, Jr.
This vision for the future of church ministry honors the life and work of James A. Auchmuty, Jr. “Dr. Jim” has sacrificially given of himself to individuals, families, congregations and communities for more than 50 years as a pastor, friend and mentor. For 27 years, he served as pastor of Shades Crest Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.
Lecture and Conference Speakers
- 2007—Dr. Diana R. Garland, Dean, School of Social Work, Baylor University
- 2008—Millard Fuller, former president and founder, Habitat for Humanity
- 2009—Dr. Graham Walker, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University
- 2011—Dr. John Hayes, Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
- 2013—Dr. David Mathews, president and chief executive officer, Kettering Foundation
- 2014—J. Brent Walker, executive director, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
- 2016 - Dr. Cameron Jorgenson, Associate Professor of Christian Theology & Ethics
Campbell University Divinity School. His convocation lecture entitled "Why Theology Matters" is available on Vimeo. - 2017 - Dr. Matt Cook, Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church of Wilmington, North Carolina. His convocation lecture entitled "The Gospel of the Dying Church" is available on Vimeo.
- 2018 - Dr. George Bullard, Congregational Consultant, North Carolina. "Becoming a Faith Soaring Church".
- 2020 - Dr. Ronald W. Richardson, "The Challenge of Polarization - Seeking Healthier Families, Congregations, and Communities".
How to Contribute
Are you interested in investing in the renewal and inspiration of congregational leaders for decades into the future? Your gift to the James A. Auchmuty Endowed Fund can make this possible. If you would like to make a gift in honor of the life and continued legacy of James A. Auchmuty Jr. or simply make an investment toward excellence in congregational leadership, it is easy to do through Samford’s online donation by selecting the option for James Auchmuty Leadership Fund.
C. Otis Brooks Fund for Pastoral Leadership Enrichment

The C. Otis Brooks Fund for Pastoral Leadership Enrichment was established to provide scholarships for ministerial Sabbath and Study leaves through the Center's Sabbath Leave Program. The fund is in honor of Dr. C. Otis Brooks, pastor emeritus of Vestavia Hills Baptist Church. The program hopes to provide opportunities for ministers to experience spiritual, mental, physical and emotional renewal through "Sabbath" time of three weeks to three months or "Study Leave" time of up to two weeks away from ministry duties.
“Over the decades of his ministry, Dr. Brooks has been a true mentor, teacher, colleague, and friend to ministers,” said Michael Wilson, CCR program director. “His kind, caring manner and the way he always seems to find an encouraging word to say are only two examples of many ways he has been a role model of effective pastoral ministry. This fund will allow us to extend his positive influence in the lives of ministers far into the future.”
This fund will help make it possible to participate in an activity Brooks found to be among the most beneficial to him and his ministry. The responsibilities and demands of congregational ministry are such that time away for mental, spiritual and physical renewal is rare. Very early he discovered the importance of extended time set aside for study and renewal. Brooks made it his practice to spend a period of weeks each year for the purpose of such renewal.
Of the new fund, Brooks said, “The time away for study and renewal was of such benefit to me, I started making it a part of my routine each year. I'm glad this new fund will help other ministers have opportunities for Sabbath time. I know from experience what a difference it can make in their lives and ministries.”
Brooks retired from Vestavia in 1988 but remained active in Baptist life over the years. He was interim pastor of Kowloon Baptist Church in Hong Kong for six month after his retirement. Later, he was chaplain of Unity Hospice and Minister to Senior Adults at Vestavia Hills.
Samford University conferred an honorary doctorate on Brooks in 1987.
Are you interested in investing in the renewal and inspiration of congregational leaders for decades into the future? Your gift to the C. Otis Brooks Endowed Fund can make this possible. If you would like to make a gift in honor of the life and continued legacy of C. Otis Brooks. or simply make an investment toward excellence in congregational leadership, it is easy to do through Samford’s online donation by selecting the option for C. Otis Brooks Fund for Pastoral Enrichment.
Helpful Web Links
- So Much Better, How Thousands of Pastors Help Each Other Thrive
- Is the Treatment the Cure? A Study of the Effects of Participation in Pastoral Leader Peer Groups
- The Sustaining Pastoral Excellence (SPE) Initiative Survey of Participants in Groups for Ministers and Other Pastoral Leaders
- Grace Works—Grace Works products assist in the preparation and delivery of Sunday sermons.
- The Text This Week—Lectionary, scripture study and worship links and resources.
- Center for Congregational Health—Consultation and training for congregations in transition.
- Congregational Resource Guide—Online resource library of materials related to congregational life.
- The Alban Institute—Books, conferences, & consultation services for congregations and pastoral leaders.
- Generis—Proven stewardship and fundraising services for churches.
Racial Reconciliation Resources
- www.bcri.org—The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
- www.nccj.org—The National Conference for Community and Justice
- www.ethnicharvest.org/ideas/reconcilitation.htm—Good resource related to multicultural ministry; site contains other useful materials for congregations
- www.racialreconciliation.com/OBOS.html—Information about book One Body, One Spirit: Principles of Successful Multi-cultural Churches
- www.racialreconciliation.com/BBAW.html—Information about book Beyond Black and White: Reflections on Racial Reconciliation
- www.racialreconciliation.com/UBF.html—Information about book United by Faith, key resource used by Kervin Jones while conducting the case study of Mission Birmingham
- www.dexterkingmemorial.org—Link to historic Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama
- www.alban.org—Various resources addressing numerous topics of concern for congregations and pastoral leaders