Bella Annett
Major: History
Minor: Western Intellectual Tradition and Environmental Studies
Hometown: Lawrenceville, GA

Jack Wiggins

Kaelyn Denney

Lai'ana Reeves
Major: English and Secondary Education
Hometown: Indian Springs Village, AL

M.E. Grace Shuemake
Major: Business
Hometown: Prattville, AL

Presley Parrish
Major: Human Development and Family Sciences
Minor: Law, Politics and Society; Theatre
Hometown: Dothan, AL


Kate Miller
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Minor: Spanish
Hometown: Minneapolis, MN

Presley Harrison
Major: Law and History
Minor: Art and Philosophy
Hometown: Pascagoula, MS


Bella Grace Baker
Major: Music
Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama

Bethany Waters
Major: Law, Politics, and Society
Minor: Spanish
Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama

Brennan Dow
Major: Biblical Studies
Hometown: Tomball, Texas

Caroline Redman

Clarke Finger

Erin Lambert
Major: Secondary Education
Hometown: Savannah, Georgia

Grant Sides
Major: Sports Medicine
Hometown: Pass Christian, Mississippi

Ian Viner
Major: Business
Hometown: Lakeland, Florida

Lizzie Moorhead
Major: Finance and Law
Hometown: Albany, Georgia

Madison Frey
Major: Journalism and Mass Communications
Hometown: Houston, Texas

Micah Zellner

Peyton Robbins
Major: Studio Art
Minor: Business
Hometown: Trophy Club, Texas

Presley Parrish
Major: Human Development and Family Sciences
Minor: Law, Politics and Society; Theatre
Hometown: Dothan, AL

Shannon Boutwell
Major: Violin Performance and Piano Performance with Pedagogy
Hometown: Helena, Alabama

Shelby Shanahan

Trey Tims

Victoria Campbell


Anna Cella
Standing: Senior
Major: International Relations
Minor: World Languages and Cultures
Hometown: Franklin, TN

Annie Kelley
Standing: Senior
Major: History
Minor: Philosophy, Race Ethnicity and Social Justice
Hometown: Columbia, TN

Caley Ingram
Standing: Senior

Caroline Gilbert
Standing: Senior
Major: Neuroscience
Minor: Psychology and Philosophy
Hometown: Macon, Georgia

Charlie Mathews
Standing: Senior
Major: Finance and Economics
Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama

Charlie Williams
Standing: Senior
Major: History and Geography
Hometown: Maitland, Florida

Connor Watson
Standing: Senior
Major: Political Science
Minor: Economics and Spanish
Hometown: Frisco, TX

Drew Middleton
Standing: Senior

Elizabeth Flood
Standing: Senior
Major: BioChemistry
Minor: Religion
Hometown: Collierville, TN

Emma Mikell
Standing: Senior

Emmy Johnston
Standing: Senior
Major: Elementary and Special Education
Hometown: Travelers Rest, South Carolina

Garrison Brothers
Standing: Senior
Major: Law and History
Minor: Political Science and Spanish
Hometown: Bell Buckle, TN

Grace Ann Wright
Standing: Senior

Gracie Lynn Butler
Standing: Senior
Major: Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Hometown: Hazel Green, Alabama

Kendall Bearden
Standing: Senior
Major: Mathematics, Computer Science
Minor: Philosophy
Hometown: Lexington, SC

Laura Brooke Dart
Standing: Senior

Lindley Dillard
Standing: Senior
Major: Philosophy and Law, Politics and Society
Hometown: Macon, GA

Lindsey Dernavich
Standing: Senior
Major: Political Science and History
Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Lucy Blaylock
Standing: Senior
Major: Theatre For Youth
Minor: Social Entrepreneurship and Nonprofit Management
Hometown: Madison, MS

Mackenzie McCravy
Standing: Senior
Major: Neuroscience
Minor: Biology
Hometown: Greenville, SC

Mary Helen Miller
Standing: Senior
Major: Law and History
Minor: General Business
Hometown: Auburn, AL

Morgan Miller
Standing: Senior
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Minor: Human Development and Family Sciences
Hometown: Dallas, Texas

Sam Allen
Standing: Senior
Major: Journalism and Mass Communications
Minor: Film Production
Hometown: Brookhaven, Mississippi

Teresa Passerrello
Standing: Senior
Major: Pharmacy and Public Health
Hometown: Greenville, SC

Whitney Fix
Standing: Senior
Major: Human Development and Family Sciences
Hometown: Jacksonville, FL