Julianne's Experience
Internship Location
Lincoln Archives, National Archives and the Library of Congress
Evening Class
Nonprofit Leadership and Management
What types of things did you work on in your internship?
I created spreadsheets documenting the archives on my specific subject; I handled Civil War documents and transcribed them; I created webpages for each of the documents, so that others can research online and use them.
What was your favorite part of the experience and/or what recommendations you have for future interns?
I truly enjoyed all aspects of my experience, but particularly my internship. I loved going to work everyday, and this experience opened my eyes to a whole career path I had not considered before - research and digital history. I would advise taking advantage of every opportunity TWC presents to the students, even the ones that possibly make you feel uncomfortable because that was where I was challenged and grew in my confidence. Also, keep in contact with your internship supervisor. I still chat with mine, and she has been a wonderful mentor and contact for me to have.