Jolie's Experience
Internship Location
RespectAbility (a national, nonpartisan nonprofit working to fight stigmas and advance opportunities for people with disabilities)
Evening Class
Forensic Psychology
What kinds of things did you work on in your internship?
The majority of my time was spent prepping for an event that we held in late July on Capitol Hill. I helped with a variety of aspects of event planning: menu and decor selection, room and A/V confirmations, marketing the event, and making accommodations for people with disabilities. I also assisted with volunteer outreach by drafting call and email scripts, and contacting people across the nation who are interested in working with RespectAbility. The highlight of my internship was having the chance to meet with nearly 300 congressional offices to further my organization’s mission.
What was your favorite part of the experience and/or what recommendations do you have for future interns?
I would say the best part about my time in DC was the relationships I made there. Because I interned through TWC, I immediately had connections to hundreds of other interns my age, living right where I was living. I can honestly say I made some lifelong friends this summer, and have some memories with them I’ll never forget—exciting things like getting lost in Arlington Cemetery in the pouring rain or scootering from monument to monument late at night, and more low-key things like movie nights in my apartment with my roommates. TWC gave me a chance to connect with people from across the country who I wouldn’t have ever connected with otherwise, and those friendships made me feel less alone in a big city where I didn’t know anyone before this summer.