Accomplished librarian and administrator Kim Herndon, MLS, joined Samford University as dean of the Samford University Library in July 2008. Prior to joining Samford Kim served for twelve years as dean of Livingston Library at Shorter University,
Before that she served as circulation coordinator, interlibrary loan and serials specialist and off-campus librarian for three metro Atlanta sites for Shorter University.
In addition to her library work, Kim serves and chairs SACSCOC on-site and off-site committees, special and fifth year committees, serves on the Network of Academic Alabama Libraries (NAAL) executive committee, and is a NAAL representative to the Alabama Virtual Library
Degrees and Certifications
- BS, University of Georgia
- MLS, University of Alabama
- Certificate of Completion, Dare to LeadTM , McDonald & Graham, 2021
Selected Presentations
- 2020: Brennan, Marty, Chan, Jennifer, Herndon, Kim, Warren, Scott, “Scholarly Communications in a Crisis” LYRASIS Leaders Forum session June 11th.
- 2016: Cecil, Cheryl S., C. Ed Cherry, Kimmetha Herndon, Lori A. Northrup, Jennifer R. Taylor, and Lauren M. Young. “Desirable Outcomes: Closing the Loop for Primary Stakeholders,” webinar. Alabama Association of College and Research Libraries, December 8, 2016.
- 2015: “Promotion and Tenure Trends of NAAL Member Libraries” Network of Alabama Academic Libraries, Retreat.
- 2014: Strategic Planning Session for Network of Alabama Academic Libraries.
- 2014: “Acquisitions & ILL,” Samford University Library In-Service, August 14, 2015.With Eric Allen, Kim Herndon, and Carla Waddell, “IGHR Lunch & Learn,” panel presentation, University Library Orientation & Training Committee, Samford University Library, May 22, 2014.
- 2014: Cecil, Cheryl, Kim Herndon, Lori Northrup, and Jennifer Taylor. “Are Those Pickles I Smell or Is It Vinegar Syndrome?” poster session, Alabama Library Association Annual Conference, Huntsville, AL, April 24, 2014.
- 2013: Panelist “Preparing for SACSCOC Accreditation: From Self-Study to the On-site Visit”, Durant, Joyce; Herndon, Kimmetha; Wilson, Joyce Georgia COMO/SELA: Macon, GA.
- 2010: “It is a Matter of Degrees: Beyond the MLIS to the MBA, MPA, MSFS......,” University of Alabama: School of Library & Information Studies, Tuscaloosa, AL http://prezi.com/uryuw_pov8b-/november-slis-discussion/, Tuscaloosa, Alabama (State).
Professional Associations
- Alabama Library Association
- American Library Association (ALA) American Library Association
- Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)- Association of College and Research Libraries