Students in Samford University's McWhorter School of Pharmacy (MSOP) distributed 1,500 packets of information on immunizations and talked to an additional 1,500 people about the subject at the Southern Women's Show in Birmingham Oct 2-5.
Erica Stroom and Justin Vester served as co-chairs of the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Students of Pharmacy (APhA-ASP) project. Other students involved were Amelia Davis, Shea Click, Amy Clark, Holley Rice, Ashley Berkompas, Jessica Lucas, Amber Reynolds, Will Hebson, Melissa Diamond, Amber Wise, Christy O'Neill, Megan Bartlett, Julie Wilbeck, Jaclyn Evans, Jessica Collins, Alison Allbrooks, Brittney Wilder, Rachel Smith, Christian Conley, Amy Bishop, Laura Lofton, Heather Rogers, Chris Chapleau, Farzan Isfahani, Noah Bayens, Tejal Ragha, Suzanne Kerkhof, Amanda Oyler, Lindsay Rich and Whitney Cowart.
MSOP faculty involved were Steve Stricker, Jennifer Beall, D'Andrea Skipwith, Gary Bumgarner, Dee Dugan, Paula Thompson, Amy Broeseker, Condit Steil and Valerie Prince, coordinator. Ronnie Opolka, an officer with the Alabama Pharmacy Association, also assisted in the community outreach program.