Professor Stone Retires
Earlier this fall we announced the retirement of several faculty members this year, including the most recent retirement of professor Tom Stone.

Ross Discusses Potential Implications the Supreme Court May Have on the Presidential Election
JURIST published a commentary by William G. Ross, the Albert P. Brewer Professor of Law and Ethics, in which he discussed potential implications of Supreme Court packing on the presidential election. JURIST is the world’s only law school-based legal news and commentary service.

Adams Recognized as a 2020 'Woman to Watch' by the Birmingham Business Journal
Assistant Dean Cassandra Adams has been included in the list of the “2020 Women to Watch” published by the Birmingham Business Journal. Adams and the other honorees were recognized at the 2020 virtual Women's Summit at the end of October.

Ross Analyzes the Possibility of Filling Supreme Court Vacancy During Election Period
Following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, JURIST published a commentary by William G. Ross, the Albert P. Brewer Professor of Law and Ethics, in which he analyzed the possibility of filling the vacancy on the bench.

Judge John Carroll Comments on the Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Following the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Carroll, a professor at Cumberland School of Law, spoke to local news sources about her legacy.

LaJuana Davis Assumes the Role of Director of Clinics at Cumberland School of Law
Instrumental in establishing and launching two new clinics in the fall semester, LaJuana Davis has assumed a new role as director of clinics. Here she shares her vision for the future of clinical offerings at Cumberland School of Law.

Cumberland Welcomes New LLR Instructors
During the fall 2020 semester, Cumberland School of Law welcomed two new instructors to its Lawyering and Legal Reasoning faculty, Rebecca C. Eubanks and Emily Price.

Albin, Roberts Receive Cumberland Faculty Promotions
This year, Ramona Albin and Tracey Roberts received faculty promotions to associate professor, approved by the Samford University Board of Trustees.

Professor Paul Kuruk Appointed as the Lucille Stewart Beeson Professor of Law
This year, international law expert Paul Kuruk was appointed as the Lucille Stewart Beeson Professor of Law.

New Faculty Member to Teach Health and Criminal Law Courses at Cumberland School of Law
Cumberland School of Law will welcome Chinelo Diké-Minor to its faculty in the spring 2021 academic semester. She will teach health law and a variety of criminal law courses.

Property Law Expert Joins Cumberland Faculty
Cumberland School of Law welcomed Tim McFarlin to the faculty as an associate professor during the fall 2020 semester. McFarlin teaches courses related to property law; he specializes in intellectual property such as copyrights, trademarks and patents.

Jill Evans Assumes Role of Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Jill Evans has been an integral member of the Cumberland faculty since 1994. At the start of the fall 2020 semester, she assumed the role of associate dean of academic affairs.

Adams Leads Cumberland School of Law Externship Program
At the beginning of the fall semester, Assistant Dean Cassandra Adams began her leadership of Cumberland’s externship program. She also continues her role overseeing the Cumberland's Community Mediation Center and public interest program.

Anderson Assumes Role of Director of LLR
In August, Jeff Anderson was promoted to assistant professor and assumed the role of director of Cumberland’s Lawyering and Legal Reasoning Program.

Faculty Happenings
In keeping with our tradition of sharing the news and activities of our faculty in Cumberland Lawyer, here are more happenings that have taken place since our last published issue.
Published two times a year, Cumberland Lawyer is Cumberland School of Law's official magazine produced in collaboration with Samford University's Division of Marketing and Communication.