The Samford University National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (SUNSSLHA) has partnered with the Bell Center to update the Center’s literacy bags. On Thursday, February 6, 2015 Andi Gillen, program director for the Bell Center, visited campus to speak to students about the importance of this project and the work of her organization.
According to Margaret L. Johnson, chair of Samford University’s Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, literacy bags contain items such as finger puppets, crayons, and things for imaginary play that help children better understand the stories parents read to them at home.
“Reading to children is one of the most important things you can do to help any child develop great language,” said Johnson. “Sometimes, children with special needs need more than just words to truly process and think about what they have heard, so the Bell Center literacy bags enhance their language learning,” she added.
Members of SUNSSLHA will update the bags and then deliver them to children and their families at the Bell Center later in the semester. Service is at the heart of the SUNSSLHA organization and the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
“In the Department’s mission statement, we tell people publicly that we are creating servant leaders for the 21st century,” said Johnson. “Knowing how to help someone, and finding ways to do that is all a part of being a servant leader. If you can't see problems and avenues for working with those, you aren't a very good servant leader,” she added.
SUNSSLHA will partner with a number of organizations throughout the year. To stay up to date with the latest news from SUNSSLHA and the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, visit our website or the School of Health Professions Facebook.
The Bell Center for Early Intervention Programs is dedicated to maximizing the potential of children from birth to three years of age who are at risk for developmental delay.
Learn more about the Bell Center