We often hear and read about early church fathers, but what about the women of the early church?
The Center for Women in Ministry at Samford University’s Beeson Divinity School will host an event on March 22 titled, “Learning from Our Church Mothers,” showcasing the lives and work of some of the leading women of the early-church era.
This luncheon workshop will be led by Beeson professor and patristics scholar Stefana Laing, who will introduce several women in the history of the church and share their stories. Laing is the author of “Retrieving History: Memory and Identity Formation in the Early Church” and is actively involved in the North American Patristics Society and the Evangelical Theological Society and served as an editor for “The Study Bible for Women,” released by B&H Publishing in 2014.
The workshop begins at 12:30 p.m. in Divinity Hall N-101.
Tickets are free and can be reserved here. A boxed lunch will be provided to those who register.