The Lay Academy of Theology offers non-credit evening classes and other study opportunities led by Beeson faculty for interested laity as well as ministers desiring continuing education.

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Evening Courses

A Study of Deuteronomy

So much of the Old Testament’s internal conversation stems from the dynamics of Deuteronomy. This course, led by Mark Gignilliat, will engage the book’s themes and cross currents, with an eye toward Christian reception and understanding of the book’s canonical importance. The fifth book of the Pentateuch is constantly looking forward but always with an eye to the past. Come join us as we examine and listen to God’s Word together. This promises to be a very rich time of study.

Mark Gignilliat

Mark Gignilliat (BA, Bob Jones University; MDiv, Reformed Theological Seminary; PhD, University of St. Andrews, Scotland) teaches in the areas of Hebrew and Old Testament.


Six Mondays, 6-8 p.m. beginning on Sept. 9, 2024.


$89 if attending on campus; $69 if participating virtually. Discounted rates expire on Sept. 2 - $115/$95 thereafter.

Women in the Ancient Church

Christian women have always been active in the church, but in the early centuries, their contributions were sometimes masked because they did not have conventional pulpit or teaching ministries. Join Stefana Laing, Associate Professor of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School, in this class that seeks to lift up the names, lives and contributions of Christian women in the first five centuries of the church, from the era of the martyrs to the Council of Chalcedon, through an examination of primary texts that include martyrdoms, biographies, letters, journals and ecclesiastical histories.

Stefana Dan Laing

Stefana Dan Laing  (BA, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia; MDiv, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; MSLS, The University of North Texas; PhD, Southern) joined the faculty of Beeson Divinity School in 2018 and teaches in the areas of spiritual formation and history & doctrine.  As theological librarian, she works with the faculty to collect the best biblical, historical, theological and pastoral resources available for ministry training as well as instruct divinity students in the effective use of library resources for their studies at Beeson. Laing is the author of Retrieving History: Memory and Identity Formation in the Early Church (Baker, 2017), and her primary area of research is in Patristics. She is actively involved in the North American Patristics Society and the Evangelical Theological Society and served as an editor for The Study Bible for Women (Holman, 2014). Stefana is married to John, and they have three children.


Six Tuesdays, 6-8 p.m. beginning on Sept. 24, 2024.


$89 if attending on campus; $69 if participating virtually. Discounted rates expire on Sept. 17 - $115/$95 thereafter.

Weekday Seminars

Beginnings and Blessings: Studies in the Pentateuch

This course, led by Ken Mathews, traces the main themes of Moses’ five books. These are explained as God’s master plan for new creation and eternal blessings in the messianic vision of a divine priest-king and a holy people. The course describes the missional purposes of the Creator and Redeemer who in God’s unique Son, Jesus Christ, transforms the garden into the new Jerusalem, Genesis to Revelation. The story of God’s grace-filled mission to redeem broken humanity and renew all creation gives Christian readers eyes to see the true reality of the unseen God and His kingdom.

Ken Mathews

Kenneth A. Mathews (BA, Dallas Baptist University; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; MA, PhD, University of Michigan) teaches at Beeson Divinity School in the areas of Old Testament and Hebrew.


Six Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m., beginning on Oct. 8, 2024.


$89 if attending on campus; $69 if participating virtually. Discounted rates expire on Oct. 1 - $115/$95 thereafter

Upper Room Discipleship

In the hours before His arrest, trial and crucifixion, Jesus discipled His disciples. He showed them and us what it means to follow Him. Douglas Webster guides us through this strategic upper room discourse that offers a theology of the church that shapes ministry and mission. Jesus’s final session with His disciples before the cross begins with Jesus washing their feet and ends with Jesus on His knees in Gethsemane praying to the Father one last time before His arrest. Everything in between shows us how to follow Jesus in a world that needs the Gospel. The apostle John captures in John 13-17 a discipleship seminar from Jesus. This is God’s Word…it is trustworthy and true and given to us in love. We look forward to having you join Doug Webster in this class that is certain to be a rich experience.

Douglas D. Webster (BA, MA, Wheaton College; PhD University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto School of Theology) serves Beeson as professor of pastoral theology and preaching and teaches classes in both of these disciplines.


Six Wednesdays, 3-5 p.m., beginning on Sept. 25, 2024
$89 if attending on campus; $69 if participating virtuallly. Discounted rates expire on Sept. 18; $115/$95 thereafter.

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