Dr. Paul House is today's Friday Faculty Feature. He is professor of divinity at Beeson, where he teaches courses in Old Testament and Hebrew, and is a member of the Translation Oversight Committee for the English Standard Version. Dr. House is married to Heather.
Where are you from?
I was raised in rural southwest Missouri, where my family has lived since the 1840’s. After leaving Missouri in 1980, I have resided in Kentucky (8 years), Indiana (11 years), Pennsylvania (2 years), Illinois (3 years), and now Alabama (17 years).
What do you teach at Beeson?
Currently, I teach Old Testament Theology to incoming students and Hebrew Exegesis courses to students in their last year of studies. I have also taught courses in Biblical Theology and helped teach a seminar on Bonhoeffer.
Why Beeson?
I came to Beeson because of its unusual nature. It is the only specifically interdenominational divinity school in North America located at a historically denominational university. Its curriculum stands out. We are one of a very few seminaries that requires all Master of Divinity graduates to take 4 semesters of both Hebrew and Greek and more than 4 semesters of History and Doctrine classes. We do so while stressing preaching and teaching for the sake of God’s people. Beeson has the potential to aid true church renewal in the United States. Finally, we seek to know our students personally.
What do you enjoy most about working at Beeson?
I am grateful for faculty colleagues that are excellent scholars and practitioners. They are a unique group. I enjoy being able to know students. I am glad that we have no plans to offer online courses when the virus recedes. The incarnation and its implications have been taken seriously here.
What is a fun fact people may not know about you?
I have never had a social media account. Long ago I was a nationally ranked race walker. More recently, I have been learning how to use a scythe to supplement my brush clearing skills.