Published on February 1, 2019  

Building on the Black Church's Bible Legacy by Kate Shellnutt

African Americans have held tight to their Bibles over the years. Amid cultural shifts in beliefs and reading habits, their demographic consistently outranks other racial groups for their reliance on the Word. Last year, the American Bible Society (ABS) once again named African Americans “the most Bible engaged in the US.” They are more likely to own a Bible—93 percent of African Americans do, versus 82 percent of Americans overall—and more than twice as likely to say Bible reading is crucial to their daily routine, according to the society’s 2018 State of the Bible report.

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Statement on the New York State Abortion Law of 2019 by Evangelicals and Catholics Together

We wish to state clearly that no follower of Jesus Christ can be complicit in the abortion regime. No follower of Jesus Christ can stand on the side of death and destruction. We appeal to our fellow Christians, and to all Americans, to join with us in decrying this legislation and in upholding and honoring the dignity of every human being. For the Lord Jesus came that “they may have life and have it abundantly.” 

Guard the Good Deposit: Understanding Retrieval by Shawn Wilhite

To do retrieval and ressourcement is a mode of theology that works critically and diligently to mine the ecumenical tradition, to recover the needed and useful features of the tradition, and truly to resource our previous riches of the Spirit in the Church. Theological retrieval, for our purposes, is a rescue operation to recover, to reuse, to resource, and to re-integrate our Christian heritage into the modern enterprise of the theological task.

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The Secret to Living Well in a Scary World by Matt Smethurst

Human history is the long story of God’s faithfulness to scaredy-cats. He has never failed one of his own—and he won’t end his streak with you. Hasn’t he been faithful to you over the course of 10,000 yesterdays? You can trust him for tomorrow. And as you look to Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of your faith, don’t forget to listen. You just might hear the chains of fear start to crack.

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