Published on October 12, 2018  

Free at Last: Andrew Brunson Released from Imprisonment in Turkey

American pastor Andrew Brunson has been released after being detained for two years in Turkey.

Is Heavenly-Mindedness for the Privileged? by Michael Allen

Heavenly-mindedness turns up the volume on our moral register, so we’re more alert to the pains of our sisters and brothers. It not only cues us up to observe and feel such juxtapositions between the blueprints of God’s kingdom and the experience of each day but also motivates us to sacrifice for the sake of the common good. By fixing our affections and hopes on something deeper and more lasting, heavenly-mindedness frees us to give up what is ours for the sake of others.

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Susannah Spurgeon Lived for Christ Without Leaving Her Home by Christine Hoover

Susie Spurgeon was, for most of her marriage and ministry, confined to her home with a chronic illness, unable to attend church alongside Charles or to interact with their congregation. Susie’s life, however, shows pastors and leaders that, ultimately, we aren’t what we do. Our value is not in performance or in our level of activity but in Christ, and therefore we have nothing to prove before man or God. The weight and burden of spiritual transformation are on the Great Shepherd rather than his undershepherds, but as undershepherds, we can join him in his purposes, even within the limits he’s placed on our lives.

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Is Religious Freedom Becoming an Orphaned Right? by Jeff Walton

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, according to Article 18 of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights (UNDHR), but is this right "orphaned" in practice? Anglican Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali discussed increased opposition to freedom of religion in many countries during a talk held Friday, September 21 at the Religious Freedom Institute in Washington, D.C.