Program Summary
The Department of Philosophy at Samford challenges students to think critically about life’s most fundamental questions: What is truth? What is justice? How do we define morality? What is the nature of reality and how do we come to know it? Through engaging discussions and in-depth analysis, students explore topics such as ethics, faith and reason, beauty and art, and the problem of evil and suffering.
Our curriculum connects students with some of history’s greatest thinkers—Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, Kant, Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein—offering diverse perspectives that shape how we understand the world today. Philosophy students develop essential skills in logical reasoning, problem-solving and effective communication—preparing them for success in law, business, public policy, education and beyond.
Join a vibrant community of learners who are passionate about big ideas and meaningful conversations. Discover how philosophy can sharpen your mind and expand your worldview.

Objectives & Goals
Philosophy at Samford: Building a Strong Intellectual Foundation
Through extensive study of philosophy, students gain a deep understanding of foundational ideas that have shaped Western society, including justice, logic and ethics. This knowledge equips them to analyze cultural assumptions and conflicts with clarity and insight.
Philosophy students also develop the ability to read complex material carefully, think critically and write with precision. They cultivate the skills needed to engage in informed inquiry and thoughtful conversations about fundamental issues such as the nature of reality, whether we can reason about God and differing views of justice. Most importantly, they learn how to think deeply and continue growing intellectually throughout their lives.
"Coming to Samford, I was immediately faced not only with mature, responsible approval of my yearning for wisdom, I was confronted with students and adults who loved God and were able to worship Him and Christ more faithfully because of their philosophical education—who pursued philosophy as a means of loving Christ and serving others." – Starling Reid ‘20
Is This Program for Me?
Philosophically educated students learn to navigate ambiguity in fundamental issues such as God and evil, self-evident truth claims and the nature of morality. While they recognize the complexity of these topics, they also strive for greater intellectual clarity through careful analysis and reflection.
Rather than accepting simplistic or untested answers, these students refine their reasoning and language with precision, engaging deeply with challenging philosophical concerns. This commitment to critical thinking and thoughtful discourse prepares them to approach complex ideas with insight and integrity.
The education I have received at the hands of Samford University’s Philosophy department will remain an integral part of me for the rest of my life, serving as the springboard for a deeper dive into the ever-expanding conversation of human thought. –Colby Gilley ‘20
What Makes Us Different?
Samford’s Department of Philosophy, through its courses and teaching, contributes to the Christian intellectual tradition and fosters the development of students’ moral perspectives on others, society and the earth.
With this commitment, the department plays a vital role in advancing Samford University’s mission, equipping students to think critically, engage ethically and approach the world with wisdom and integrity.
After earning a BA in philosophy from Samford University in 2013, I enrolled as a graduate student in musicology at The Ohio State University. I continue to use the philosophical thinking that I developed at Samford when trying to identify the structures that allow music criticism, music history, and communication through musical means. Additionally, I learned the invaluable skill of finding possible answers to ethical problems, and I learned how to criticize those answers in a principled manner. Thanks to the engaged and insightful philosophy faculty at Samford, I learned to approach issues in both work and day-to-day life in a more critical, informed way.Garrett Brown ’13, Ph.D. student, The Ohio State University
Career Preparation
Preparing You for a Successful Career
For students aspiring to become academicians and teach philosophy, our bachelor’s degree is the first step toward earning a Doctor of Philosophy. Additionally, studying philosophy provides excellent preparation for law school, ministerial training and, with the inclusion of a minor in medical ethics, careers in the health sciences.
By developing strong skills in critical reasoning, intellectual reflection and effective writing, philosophy majors are well-equipped for leadership roles in various fields, including management, editing and other positions that require analytical thinking and clear communication.
"I am very grateful for my philosophy education at Samford. It provided the foundation for the rest of my education. I especially appreciated the way Samford’s philosophy department helped me to integrate my faith and learning."Josh Reeves ’98, assistant professor of science and religion, Samford University