Let the Madness Begin
The sweet sixteen round of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament has come to a close. #2 Alabama fell to #11 UCLA and the bracket breaking team Oral Roberts fell to Arkansas 72-70. There are two double digit ranked teams moving forward to the elite eight: #12 Oregon State and #11 UCLA. This is only the third time that two double digit ranked teams have moved onto the elite eight. The other times were in 1990 and 2002. The madness continues so checkout the Center for Sports Analytics social accounts this week for more updates on our competition.
The Math & Computer Science Department has taken the lead with 600 points overall. They currently have a 99% accurate bracket and have Gonzaga winning overall. Alpha Omicron Pi comes up short in second place with 590 points followed by a tie for third place between the Samford Volleyball team and the Biology and Environmental Science Department with 580 points. The Men’s Track and Field team has consistently remained in a top position and hold fifth place overall with 570 points.
The leaderboard comparing Dr. Westmoreland and Dr. Taylor’s bracket remains a tie after the Sweet Sixteen. How ironic that after the first, second, and third round of the NCAA tournament the two Presidents have been tied. This leaderboard is still up for grabs, but at this point they might just end in a tie.
Our Athletic Team Leaderboard continues to remain competitive as the top two teams are also on the overall leaderboard. The Volleyball team has claimed first with 580 points followed by The Men’s Track and Field who are in second with 570 points. The football team has moved up to third place overall with 510 points followed by the Women’s Track and Field team with 500 points. The Cheerleading team continues to be on the leaderboard currently in fifth place with 480 points.
The Department leaderboard has completely changed again as it remains our most competitive leaderboard. The Math and Computer Science Department went from not being on the board to first place overall with 600 points. In second place, the Biology and Environmental Science Department also joined the board for the first time and currently has 580 points. The Office of Human Resources and the BSOB Staff are tied for third place with 570 points. The Sports Marketing Program is currently in fifth place with 540 points.
Our next category of groups is our Student Organization Leaderboard. The Micah Fellows have joined the board and are tied with Professional Sales for first with 520 points. Dudes A Plenty remains on the leaderboard now tied with the Student Executive Board for third place with 480 points. The Orientation Leaders have entered the board with a fifth place sitting and 470 points. Once again, this leaderboard overall is a bit behind compared to the other subgroups and will need to make up points in the Elite Eight.
Our last subgroup is the Greek Life Leaderboard. Alpha Omicron Pi moved past Tri Delta to take first with 590 points. Tri Delta moved down to second place overall with 540 points. Lambda Chi Alpha moved its way back up to third place with 530 points. Sigma Nu and Phi Mu continue to hold on with fourth and fifth place and 500 and 490 points. The Greek Life Board has many contenders that are just behind these top five chapters and is competing with the Departments for having the most competitive sub-leaderboard. Alpha Omicron Pi is currently sitting second overall for the competition.
Our March Madness Matchup Group on ESPN Fantasy continues to have a 23k rank and is still considered in the top groups. With the chaos this NCAA tournament has already created, there is no telling who will win this competition overall. Please remember that the games will be on in the University Center as well as the Cafeteria during hours of operations. Be sure to follow the @samfordsacenter accounts on Twitter and Instagram for updates, analytical theories, and more.