Degree/Year: B.S.N. 2020
Current Position: RN in UAB Cardiopulmonary Critical Care Unit
Describe your journey from Samford to your current position: I knew that I wanted to be in an ICU. My critical care clinical experience was my passion in nursing school and so I began looking for positions nearby. I learned about this unit from a small group and applied!
What does it mean to be a member of the May class of 2020? The May 2020 class has the most unique story! We all share this season and I think it will make us stronger. We have been so encouraging to each other during this time and it makes me proud to be a 2020 graduate!
What do you enjoy most about your work? I enjoy meeting new people! There are so many nurses who have made orientation an easy process. I love putting my learning into practice. Being able to care for patients of my own is very rewarding.
How did Samford prepare you for your career? Samford has given me the knowledge to begin in an ICU. I was fostered in an environment that taught me to always keep learning and to treat the whole patient. Any nurse can treat the problem, but Samford has taught me to truly care for my patient.
What advice do you have for students that are pursuing a career in nursing? My advice would be to find what area of nursing that excites you! There are so many paths that you can take and I encourage you to do some research and shadow nurses!
In your opinion, what does it mean to be a Moffett Nurse? A Moffett nurse is one who loves each patient and knows how to treat more than just the physical needs. They know how to emotionally and spiritually help patients in their hardest times.