Cumberland School of Law Starnes Professor of Law Brannon P. Denning has been named one of the 20 most-cited young legal scholars in the country in a new essay published by the University of Chicago Law Review. Comprehensively, the essay lists the 50 most-cited legal scholars, individuals who have had a very notable impact on legal thought and institutions.
Denning's legal research focuses on constitutional law and the U.S. Supreme Court. Specifically, he has written on the Commerce Clause and the dormant commerce clause; judicial and executive branch appointments; the constitutional amendment process; foreign affairs and the Constitution; and the Second Amendment, among other related topics.
“I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I’d made that list," Denning said. "To be listed with others whose work I read and admire—and cite to—is very gratifying. But just as gratifying is the fact that all of us are listed as ‘younger’ legal scholars!”
In addition to the young scholars list in which Denning was included, other specialized lists include the most-cited international law scholars, the most-cited corporate law scholars, the most-cited scholars of critical race theory and feminist jurisprudence, the most-cited public law scholars, and the most-cited scholars of law and social science.