In 2022, Professor Tracey Roberts presented “Regulatory Taxation Revisited” at Case Western Reserve University School of Law on April 8, at the Sustainability Conference of American Legal Educators at Arizona State University, Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law on May 13, and at the Society for Environmental Law and Economics at New York University School of Law on June 9. She presented “ESG and ERISA” at ComplianceNet on July 6 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She presented “Whiskey, Women and Tax” as part of the Critical Tax Theory panel on July 13, and chaired a panel on Tax, Raw Materials and the Environment on July 15 at the Law and Society Association meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. She was invited by University of Virginia Professor Andrew Hayashi and Emory University Professor Allen Calhoun to participate in a Theology and Tax Law conference, Sept. 16-17, and to contribute a chapter to their book project, tentatively titled Render Unto Caesar, which provides theological perspectives on tax law.
Published on January 19, 2023