Will  Philpot

Home State


Undergraduate Institution and Graduation Year

Auburn University, 2021

Student Organizations/Extracurricular Activities

3L Class President, 1L and 2L SBA Representative, First Generation Lawyer Association, Sports and Entertainment Law Society

Legal Interests

Civil Defense Litigation

Outside Interests/Hobbies

Weightlifting, collecting vinyls, and keeping up with the extensive food and drink scene of Birmingham

What do you think is the BEST thing about Cumberland?

The quality of life--we are ranked in the top 10 for a reason!

Why did you choose Cumberland?

I chose Cumberland because of the beautiful campus, friendly and attentive faculty, and the city of Birmingham.

What do you most enjoy about studying law in Birmingham? What do you like to do in Birmingham?

Birmingham is a massive legal hub, providing endless opportunities for networking and potential employment. As for the social aspects of Birmingham, is also a major restaurant and beverage hub, with many new cool spots opening every day.

If you could give any advice to your pre-law school self, what would you say?

Set more attainable goals for yourself and do not spend so much time comparing yourself to others.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

(Hopefully) practice law in Birmingham at one of the many prestigious civil defense firms.