Practice Ready: We Set the Trend

Established in 1847, Cumberland School of Law is one of the oldest law schools in the country. The school was founded by Judge Abraham Caruthers, an innovator in legal education. In a time when legal study was conducted by apprenticeship or through lectures, the law school pioneered an instructional method based on intensive trial practice. This laid the foundation for what is today widely acclaimed as one of the nation's finest programs in trial advocacy.

U.S. News & World Report ranked Cumberland School of Law 6th (2024) among all U.S. law schools for its trial advocacy program.

Cumberland School of Law trains aspiring lawyers to think strategically and tactically, in and out of the courtroom. Unique among law schools, Cumberland School of Law students can participate in trial and appellate advocacy competitions their first year.

From Evidence in the first year of law school to the capstone class of Advanced Skills in Trial Advocacy, Cumberland offers an outstanding curriculum in advocacy. Additional courses are offered for every aspect of advocacy: mediation, negotiation, drafting, complex litigation and client counseling. With each skill, Cumberland School of Law also offers competition opportunities for students who want that opportunity to practice. Advanced courses ensure that students have the latest knowledge, encompassing technology in the courtroom and e-discovery. Clinical education includes externships with opportunities in judicial, litigation, corporate, government and public interest placements. These allow students to try out their skills in real-world settings. This comprehensive advocacy training approach equips students with the lawyering skills needed to be prepared advocates for every legal career.

Skills Development

Advocacy Courses