Samford University journalism and mass communication professor Clay Carey has a new publication–Local News and Community Resiliency in Appalachia–arising from his nationally recognized research. His white paper for the Center for Journalism and Liberty project of the Open Markets Institute is based on interviews with more than 20 journalists, community development professionals and activists in Appalachia, the study offers insights on how rural local news organizations can help contribute to the development of stronger, more resilient communities.
Carey’s 2017 book, The News Untold: Community Journalism and the Failure to Confront Poverty in Appalachia, has brought him many honors. The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) honored Carey with its Tankard Book Award for the best research-based book about journalism. Berea College and the Appalachian Studies Association selected the book for its Weatherford Award for Nonfiction. The National Community Action Foundation (NCAF) invited Carey to take part in a panel on Poverty and the Press. In 2020, the book was included in a New York Times Review of Books article on the future of journalism.